The Breakfast Intellect - Jolpan
How come food habits trigger anxiety in you?? Ever noticed that? Yes. Especially, if you have a problem with anxiety then it definitely does. And I tell you that ANXIETY is a monster who attacks you every now and then for the simplest of the reasons. It has its own rules & its a battle to overcome anxiety. Once you start observing your body and the way it responds to anything that touches it from inside or the outside, you will be surprised at the numerous things your body has got to tell you. And it is then when you realize that its time to give some time to your wonderful body & mind! If a huge part of your problems can be treated at home itself, you have no idea how much you are saving. Saving what? - Your Valuable Time, your money, your relations & yourself of course! Right now, even while typing this I am going through a hell lot of anxiety that I am not even able to breathe freely. What can I do to overcome it? Well, I have a box of home-dried salted amla beside me...