The Breakfast Intellect - Jolpan

How come food habits trigger anxiety in you?? Ever noticed that?

Yes. Especially, if you have a problem with anxiety then it definitely does. And I tell you that ANXIETY is a monster who attacks you every now and then for the simplest of the reasons. It has its own rules & its a battle to overcome anxiety.

Once you start observing your body and the way it responds to anything that touches it from inside or the outside, you will be surprised at the numerous things your body has got to tell you. And it is then when you realize that its time to give some time to your wonderful body & mind!

If a huge part of your problems can be treated at home itself, you have no idea how much you are saving. Saving what? - Your Valuable Time, your money, your relations & yourself of course!
Right now, even while typing this I am going through a hell lot of anxiety that I am not even able to breathe freely. What can I do to overcome it? Well, I have a box of home-dried salted amla beside me which I'm chewing it constantly and a heart full of care that I'm trying to show on you! 😛

I have got lots and lots of food habits to share with you in the form of easy recipes.
Cooking has always been the most versatile in the few numbers of hobbies I possess. Maybe because I have been doing that for years now. Honestly, I don't like spending much time in the kitchen cooking the same boring food regularly in a daily routine. Errgghh! Even the thought displeases me. Being a daughter-in-law, it gets little compromising. I have to cook even when I don't want to or I have to cook the particular food which I don't want to. But, when you are such a great food fanatic even you can't stop yourself from playing experiments in the kitchen. I manage it, just like that!😃

Before entering into the kitchen, some points I strictly consider are:
- The food has to be light & healthy.
- I shouldn't be spending much of my time there.
- Whatever I prepare should be easy to cook and fulfilling.
- The leftover food is the first ingredient.
- Ensuring zero wastage of food.
- The food & the process of cooking should be healing & satisfying. (Remember, the anxiety?)
Lastly, pull my husband as a helping hand by sending pictures of the delicious food to his mind! 😝

You wake up in the morning either tired or full of energy; either happy or dull. At times you wish to cook something delicious & heavy and there are times when you are just not in a mood to cook or you have not enough time to crave your hunger. Being a moody foodie, my meal choices are always different. The only one thing that always remains in common is- Avoiding spices as much as possible & not using too many ingredients.

The food we eat greatly affects our minds. After all, Good food=Good mood has definitely got something with them. Light, healthy, and hygienic food is always light on our body and subsequently our mind. Try observing yourself the next time when you have a heavy, spicy meal. It creates stress in our body and the mind gets agitated with it. It is not only spices or too much oil that gives the food an exotic taste. Good food can even be prepared without those ingredients which harm our body. HOW? -I'll tell you that as I already got rid of my anxiety! 😁

Here's sharing with you a quick savior during lazy summers-
The easiest & the simplest among all food options is this Assamese dish which I had for the first time this year at our driver's place. We were invited by him on the occasion of Bihu and the way we were served The Jolpan was so earthy and authentic that it made me use "the" before it while typing. The dish is so fulfilling, healthy, and delicious that a small quantity serves well as one proper meal.
The picture below is what I prepared later on at my home for breakfast and many more breakfasts. 😊

Poha- 1 cup or 200gms
Jaggery- 2tbsp (Powdered or Scraped)
Fresh thick Curd- 1/2 cup

Preparation time: 5 mins

Take the Poha in a bowl and soak with water for 3mins.* Lightly wash it and then drain all the water well in a strainer.
Put the poha in a separate bowl. Add the jaggery above the poha on one side.
Add all the curd on one side.

How to eat:
You can either use your hand or a spoon. Mix little curd with some poha & a little bit of jaggery to make 2-3 bites. And feed yourself! That's it.😍 Continue the process until the bowl has been emptied into your stomach.

- I used the packaged poha which soaks up instantly and so it took me only around 3mins to soak it completely.
- The jaggery I use already comes in powdered form. You can also use blocks & grate it.
- You can adjust the amount of jaggery as per your taste requirements.
- It is not confined only to breakfast. You can have it at any time of the day.

Suitable for all seasons, reasons, age groups, and moods!
Please review this recipe even if you tried and didn't like it. I always love to learn. 😊


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